ANIMATED Magazine cover
A collection of magazine covers and supporting graphics that I got to bring to life with my animation skills. The fun challenge that comes with GIFs is getting a simple, yet captivating animation that can seamlessly loop. I received the opportunity to animate for various reputable science magazines, including IFLS’s Curious and The Scientist’s TS Digest.
These projects were made while working at LabX Media Group.
Logo Animation
Behold my reimagined XBOX boot-up screen! Imagine this sleek animation sweeping over your TV as you boot-up your console. No other feeling quite like it!
The sci-fi-esque lines pay an homage to the iconic XBOX exclusive franchise Halo, leaving an impression of the inside of a Spartan visor for the brief moments they appear on screen. As these thin, clean lines slither their way across your TV, it conveys the idea of an advanced system booting-up, creating excitement.
YouBe Gaming
This fun, glitchy intro was created for a Toronto based Twitch streamer. When creating the logo itself, the client was looking for a vapor-wave theme.
This animation has a few elements to it that work together to achieve the final result. There is a glitch effect that was meticulously setup so that the text is still legible, while still being engaging. Dust and scratches, some subtle lens dirt, animated lens burns, and a camera shake were added to reinforce the retro-wave feel.
This fun cosmic themed logo animation was created for a local designer that wanted to take his brand to the next level. You can check out his work here. Many clever little things are happening at once in this logo reveal. The Orion mantra Above and Beyond flickers when the logo is at it’s final form. The binary in the bottom corner translates to Orion. A custom sci-fi animated HUD brings everything to life. The grid in the background utilizes the Orion star. An altimeter is subtly animated to mimic a ship making its way through the cosmos.
The goal of this snazzy little animation was to create something snappy and sharp for Xquisit, an Almonte-based design agency. Simplicity and elegance were the key motivators of this project. What makes this animation successful is the simple, yet effective concept and the finesse of timing.
This project was made while working at Xquisit Communications.
3Sixty Secure Corp.
A trail of 3Sixty’s accent yellow adds a splash of vibrancy. When the supporting text appears, the digits that cleverly blip in and out are 3’s, 6’s, and 0’s. The sense of impact, when the logo is finished and slams down, creates a subtle shockwave through the hex grid in the background. This hexagonal theme is implemented throughout, keeping true to the 3Sixty brand.
This project was made while working at Xquisit Communications.
Dunrobin Auto
You can’t go wrong with witty interactive type. Some of the challenges of this playful animation were making the movement of the wrench look natural and getting the timing right. These roadblocks were overcome with patience and fiddling with keyframes until it looked just right.
This project was made while working at Xquisit Communications.
Promo video
One of the biggest challenges of this promo video for this Almonte-based design agency was making it feel dynamic when all of the elements in the video are static. This was achieved using a custom camera wobble effect, moving away from just a series of photos thrown together. Additionally, custom lens burns shaped like the Xquisit logo, as well as custom lettering, add tactility and more dynamism to the video. Finally, every abrupt motion lines up with some fun jazzy drums; creating excitement.
This project was made while working at Xquisit Communications.
Centre for International Governance Innovation
The goal of this explainer video was to inform the public of the evolving threats and the steps CIGI is taking to reimagine Canada’s national security strategy. This was achieved with animated text, panning imagery, and animated icons and diagrams for the more visual information. The look and feel of this video is consistent throughout. Animation style, brand colours and type treatment all harmoniously work together to display information effectively, while staying true to the CIGI brand.
Stargasm I
This is simply a tribute to my love for Star Wars. Each frame is hand drawn, using rotoscoping techniques. The neon colours, animated motion blurs, subtle glows, and a few more little things really make this loopable animation stand out. This passion piece was made with love and lots and lots of time.
Stargasm II
Another tribute to my love for Star Wars. Created three years later, this sequel was approached much differently than its successor. I grabbed footage from films and games and generously compiled a culmination of effects that would keep the essence of the original STARGASM, while elevating the ever-evolving vibe that I’ve curated in this mini series. I see this as a technical achievement, as this approach allowed me to create this video within a day, where as the previous STARGASM took weeks!
Title Sequence
This quick title sequence is based off a geometric illustration of my favorite web-slinger. Parallaxing techniques were utilized to create a sense of depth. Larger shapes move slower and smaller shapes move faster, creating the illusion of depth of field.
Ironman Dark Zone
This Stranger Things inspired title sequence uses a culmination of subtle effects to emulate a retro projector look and feel.
Simple wireframe illustrations were created in a blueprint style, with glowing edges. There's a subtle camera shake, along with some gritty film grain and a custom texture to make the piece feel more tactile. However the effect that makes this piece, is the way the text fades in and out. There is a slight burning red tint as the letter forms appear and disappear, simulating an object being quickly exposed to film.
Combined, all of these little things make an intriguing retro title sequence.
Short animated film
Milk ‘N Cookies
With a provided script, I was put in charge of illustrating and animating these tasty little guys for a short film written by a very talented client of mine, Michael Bryson.